Thursday, February 25, 2010

Yes Yes Yes!

I am now below the lowest point of last transformation!! This is a result that comes after a trip home for a funeral and our regional meeting. These two items would normally have meant an increased weight of at least 4kgs - maybe more.

Final 4 weeks begins on Monday i' going to do hardcore fat loss from the TT programs, i'm going to supplement with protein powder and creatine, i'm going to reduce my carb intake after lunch and i'm going to do ESE properly twice a week being careful to stick to calorific expectations when breaking the fast.

Tomorrow morning i'm going to do my photos and measurements - looking forward to posting that.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

here we go!

Kicking off the first day of the 8th week i am feeling good about this process. I weighed in this morning at 96.5 kgs. i don't think i'll hit my original goal of 85 at week 12 but i am sure i'll be under the 90 mark making a great point for maintenance.

This week i have a big meeting in Singapore, but that's ok. i am not drinking so i'll keep the food to a minimum and i can still workout without missing any sessions. I will fast tomorrow as that is travelling day - dinner with the team to break the fast will be a good point. i leave late so i can still get a run in the morning. I'll follow up with a fast on Friday when i get back.

Then we start a new 4 week programme. i am going for the Hardcore fat loss because it has a 6 day routine. I feel that i need to really push for excellence over the next 4 weeks. i will start out easy but move for real progression over the four weeks - this includes the intervals.

i will do two ESE days each week also.

Saturday i take my next set of photos - i think the difference will be profound.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Hit 97 on the scales at the gym today, that's the lowest those actual scales have ever registered for me! this is close enough for me to say that Goal 1 is achieved. It's late, but I'm happy with that. Now onto goal number two - get below 90. With 6 weeks to go this is going to happen - as Yoda says 'there is do or do not, there is no try'

Have to go to a funeral next week, travelling, visiting friends/family and the event itself will make it hard to stick to food things. But i will do it, no alcohol will be tough - then again no one said it would be easy.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Run Down

Last week was very hard. I started a new programme on Monday with the personal trainer - Buff Dudes. This was super hard work and i really hurt afterwards. When i go to the office i actually had to stop on the stairs to rest in order to get to the top - thought i might not make it at one point.

I did not do any other activity for the week until Thursday for the next workout. Can you believe that i still hurt from Monday's session - and i mean really really hurt not just a little muscle pain.

Thursday's workout was so hard i didn't finish. In fact i almost threw up - only seen this on TV previously. No working out for the rest of the week, only Golf on Friday and some kitesurfing on Saturday (minimal).

The feeling i had was like having low batteries. I was constantly exhausted and felt like i hadn't eaten enough food - not really hungry just like my body was out of fuel. I decided to give things a rest and refuel. i did no ESE for the week and tried to eat extra without going overboard. I think i did ok and didn't really exceed my calorie intake on any day.

This morning's workout was better but still not perfect. But i need to stay with it. So this week i will keep the calories down and stay active. Going to work out wed&fri maybe play golf tomorrow and surf on the weekend - thursday can be rest day.

I will also try to do some extra activity in the evenings - will at the very least go for a long walk. Food wise i will just stick to the plan and try to get one ESE in this week.

I guess this all happened because i was so drained from the week in Vietnam. When you reduce your calories and continue to workout in this situation there is no time for catch up. Question remains whether this is the best way to lose weight or if it has a negative effect. i was clost to getting ill from this but i think i have survived so i think i've cut it as close to the wire as possible.

Monday, February 1, 2010


Let the pictures tell the words rather than letting me type. Only one really important thing to note that the shorts I'm wearing in the after pictures are one size smaller - if i were in the old ones then the fat would be less pushed up and maybe the difference would be more striking.
This is 4 weeks into the 12 week transformation - with 8 weeks to go i think things are looking good. View the difference and try to multiply by three - that gives the mind's eye a view of what the end result will be.