Yesterday was fast day as i follow EatStopEat on Tuesdays and Fridays (generally).
It went like a treat! Got up at 5:30 hit the gym by 6. It's interval training on Tuesdays and as i have just committed with the boss to do a half marathon in July (am i crazy) i hit the treadmill. Set to 9.3 kms/hr i cycle the incline from 1 to 4 and then for the 18th minute i go for an incline of 5. This is very heavy stuff (for me) incline 1&2 are fine but 3&4 really starts to hurt - that last 5 is serious. I like this workout, not changing the speed is better on the tread mill i find.
Got home and played with the baby because i had some extra time (normally for breakfast) and then a quick play with the wife.
Stopped in at Starbucks for a black coffee on the way to work. It's nice to have a quality low calorie beverage on fast day.
Worked hard, couple of meetings and closed the books for the month. Lunch time came around quick - i would hardly notice but my staff have a new programme of turning off all the lights at lunch time to save electricity. So sitting in the dark i did a few personal things I'd been meaning to get out of the way - the extra time on fast day can be really useful.
a little more work and then jumped in the car to see a potential client. got stuck in the rain but wasn't too late. usual 'coffee, tea or me' question and to my luck they presented coffee with sugar and creamer on the side (often they give it to you already mixed).
Got home early as i left straight from the clients office. a few panic emails to get out once i got there. This took me right up to 6pm. easy easy!
Now, as it's time to eat at 6 i always find it difficult if the evening meal is delayed - it's funny how easy it is to go without food if you are planning it but if you have to go without when you are planning to eat it is really hard. As the wife wasn't back but i could see she'd been cooking i just got out some pineapple as a small snack while i waited for them to get home. This kick starts the digestive system so when the food did hit the table it went down a treat.
Now a word of advice on dinner on fast day. it is very easy to woof down food quickly as the hunger kicks in. as the system is empty it can be easy to overload it, which is not comfortable and normally makes you feel that you've overeaten (even though you probably haven't).
It's much better to take the meal really slowly, savoring each mouthful and enjoying the experience and the tastes. i find i really don't eat all that much if i do this but leave the table properly satisfied. oh, and best to make sure there is quality food as junk just does not satisfy like quality.
Note: the picture is Robert De Castella winning the commonwealth games in Brisbane. I remember at the time i was into long distance running and he was my hero - I sat and watched the whole 2 hours on TV. i guess i would have been better going out running.
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