There are two big meat heads a the gym who are always there everyday that I've been there. They workout together. i always assumed that they didn't speak English.
This morning one was arriving so i held the door for him, "thanks for that" he said. Then he turned to me and said "After eight years of coming here i get a little fed up sometimes"
Not knowing what he meant i jokingly said "you mean it will take me eight years to look as big as you?
His reply surprised the crap out of me "no" he said, "it would take about two years, the steroids do the rest"
"oh really" i said.
"you start to bulk up after six months and you'd be really defined after a year" wow, i mean i had wondered how they got so big but i didn't really think they were on the juice. I guess they sell the stuff and he was giving me his sales pitch - i guess they just wait for someone to ask in the gym.
I don't want to get big and i go to the gym to be fit and lose fat so steroids are not on my radar. But if i was going to get big and wanted to look strong etc. then this would seriously be tempting. I mean we all like a short cut now and then. I've been going to the gym for 18 months straight now and at this rate it would take me another 10 years to look half the size of these dudes.
Anyway, that's not for me. had a good workout today but couldn't finish my last set of DB presses. Got the lot done with shoulder presses on a higher weight from last time so happy about that. I've cut my foot quite badly so i can't do anything other than the bike for intervals.
Had leftover chicken for breakfast - high protein was the intention. Will not have any form of snack including coffee till lunch time. Hoping to start to burn stored fat before lunch.
Nice Post..Thank You