- Started with putting my back out in the gym. After months of squats and dead lifts i could not believe that a rear deltoid raise would pull a muscle in my back.
- Then my oldest sprained his arm playing football at school.
- The winds were good all weekend so even though my back was hurting i went kite surfing - this ended in the need for some serious rescue - a 'fast as you can' 2km swim and then a run to the club to get the rescue boat. Some serious damage to the kite but got most of the gear back and am still alive. So seriously tired though - this lead to coming down with the full flu (not swine though)
- Monday i was so sick but had to meet some important clients. Got back from a very long drive to go to the hospital to see the doctor. as the boy's arm still hurt i took him to the doctor too. I was in no mood to have them x-ray and waste my time and money. Turns out it was broken so that had me looking like a bad parent.
- Then we all got sick, three boys, wife etc.
- A full weekend and some of looking after sick kids and the fun involved in that, just as they were getting better i had to go on a business trip - at last a chance to sleep.
- Two days into my conference i get a call, my second son's care giver had a stroke - she has not insurance, no money and is my total responsibility
Just when you think you have it bad some one or something let's you know that it can always be worse. I've been through three hospitals and had arguments with seven doctors - we are mentally and physically drained. But who are we to complain - we can walk and talk. It is a cruel world.
So, as this is a fitness and weight loss blog I'd better turn this into a fitness and weight loss topic. What has all this meant to my condition? well for the first 10 days i actually lost weight, not working out meant that i was less hungry - that combined with the illness etc.
At the conference i was good, skipped breakfast, had only the healthy snack options at coffee break and restricted what i ate at meals. Everyone commented on how much weight I'd lost - that was good confirmation.
BUT, as soon as the impact of someone you care for being struck down like this i went for comfort food. I had to rush back from Hong Kong to deal with the situation and when straight for Burger King. I want to say that after 6 months of eating healthy it was really hard to eat a Whopper - no wonder the world is fat if that is what we try to put forward as a meal. it was quite sickly but I'm not going to say i didn't like it - just that it was soooo big.
Then after getting home i went for all the comfort foods i could muster. Chocolate, potato chips, plus more crap. The result being that i put back the weight i lost in a very short time.
But Monday i started back the exercise and the diet. I'm off the booze for three weeks, started a new TT program and today I'm having an ESE. Yesterday i weighed in at 98 kg which is only 2 over my lowest of 96. So i think i have a good chance of coming out of this look even better.
Changes in the gym: I've reduced the weight (so that i can build up again) and I'm concentrating on form - for squats I'm trying to get really low which i could not have done before with the high weight (it is amazing how much more heavy things are when you get down). And I'm stretching after each session - putting most of my effort into the glutes and hips as this is sooo tight and needs work.
I will also not do intervals on weight days - i think this is better.
hope you staying under 100 k and getting close to 80, keep up dated, you can do it